Academic Departments » State Testing » CAASPP


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Each spring, students in grades three through eight and high school participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Our school will administer the CAASPP and CAST to our 11th grade students, March 24- March 28, 2025. All Brea Olinda High School students will be on a block schedule to allow students sufficient time to test in class.

This year, your 11th grade student will take the following test(s):

  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment: English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics
  • California Science Test (CAST)

The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and the CAST are online tests that measure a student’s understanding of Common Core Standards in the areas of: English Language Arts, Math and Science. The tests include many different types of questions that allow students to interact with the test questions. Results help identify gaps in knowledge or skills early on so your child can get the support he or she needs to be successful in school. Also, scoring a 3 (meets standards) or a 4 (exceeds standards) in the English section meets one of the criteria for your student to possibly earn the California State Seal of Biliteracy.

For more information about CAASPP testing, to access Parent Resources for CAASPP testing and/or to view sample questions, please visit:

We encourage our students to prepare for our CAASPP and CAST testing by starting the day off with breakfast, arriving at school well-rested, and trying their best.

As always, we thank you for partnering with us in your child’s educational journey. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Office at (714)990-7850. 


Hillary Herrington

Assistant Principal

Pursuant to California Education Code Section 60615, parents/guardians may annually submit to the school a written request to excuse their child from any or all of the CAASPP assessments.