BOHS Independent Study


BOHS Independent Study Program:

• Independent Study (IS) is an alternative to the Brea Olinda High School (BOHS) comprehensive campus instructional setting and is consistent with the BOHS course of study and requires the same credits, proficiency tests and other standards for graduation.
• Independent Study is an optional form of education that students voluntarily select.
• Students submit their work weekly in order to receive credit for their classes. Students will complete one class at a time.  According to the Brea Olinda Unified School District’s policy for Independent Study, no more than one monthly attendance period may elapse between the date an assignment is made by the IS teacher and the date it is due. Temporary changes to the attendance period may be made to incorporate monthly attendance periods that are two weeks or less in duration.
• Parents/students will be provided with support services, curriculum guides, textbooks, workbooks, an electronic device and related instructional materials. All curriculum and methods of study are consistent with established California State Content Standards.
• The student is expected to spend at least as much time on Independent Study assignments as they would for courses on the BOHS comprehensive campus.

Manner of Reporting/Meeting:

• The manner of submitting work will be one-on-one, small group, classroom, email or other means pre-approved by the supervising IS teacher.

Frequency and Time of Appointments:

• The student is responsible to have contact with their IS teacher at least once each week. In addition, the student may make arrangements for other activities such as tutoring, film/video watching or researching materials.

Objectives, Methods of Study and Resources:

• Students must keep current with grade level studies for the period covered by this agreement. The curriculum will consist of rigorous content delivered through district adopted curriculum and IS teacher created materials. The student will have a dedicated school counselor to assist with maintaining an academic plan, goal setting and support for personal-social needs.

Methods of Evaluation:

• The methods of evaluation and resources for each assignment will be described in the Course Outline.
• The maximum length of time allowed between the assignment and the date the assignment is due is ONE WEEK, unless an exception is made in accordance with district policy. After 3 MISSED APPOINTMENTS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD ASSIGMENTS the student is considered non-compliant and the IS teacher will contact the parent and the student’s IS counselor to inform them of such. If non-compliance continues a student parent meeting will be held to determine whether Independent Study is an appropriate program for the student.
• Academic Dishonesty: Any student caught cheating will fail the course.