Resources » Anonymous Tip Hotlines

Anonymous Tip Hotlines

BOHS TEXT-A-TIP (401) 542-2287 (CATS)
For the safety of our students, staff, and school community, BOHS has several sources to make an anonymous tip. Students, parents, and community members are encouraged to report knowledge of any inappropriate or illegal actions related to the BOHS campus or school activities by using these hotlines or contacting a school official directly.
text a tip image
Texts may be sent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This site is monitored by school personnel during school hours. This is a text only line, phone calls cannot be received on this number. 
ANONYMOUS PHONE TIP HOTLINE (714) 990-7850, extension 1202
This line accepts voicemail tips. You may access this line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This line is monitored by school personnel during school hours, Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm.
After school hours:  Any concerns of an immediate nature should be reported directly to the Brea Police Department at (714) 990-7911. is a non-school sponsored site that will also accept anonymous tips, and may also be accessed by calling (800) 782-CRIME (1-800-782-7463). Since this not a school sponsored site, you will have to be more specific with your information.