Ms. Matyuch's Classroom
Ms. Matyuch has been at teacher at Brea Olinda High School since 2008. She is a social studies teacher currently teaching psychology, U.S. government, and economics.
Ms. Matyuch graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a B.A. and M.A. in communications and received her social studies teaching credential from Cal Poly Pomona. She was a duel-sport athlete at Cal State Fullerton, competing in basketball and softball. She is a graduate of El Dorado High School.
Prior to teaching at BOHS, Ms. Matyuch was a collegiate softball coach, heading the Ohio University softball program and assisting at the University of Texas.
She's enjoys the outdoors and is an avid photographer.
Measuring Personality: Crash Course Psychology #22
Personality Development
10 Defense Mechanisms
Skinner Box
Science of Addiction
CSG: Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) - Alison Ledgerwood - TEDxUCDavis
A nice reminder that we control our thoughts and how we can do a better job thinking more positive thoughts.