Student & Family Resources
Student ZOOM Security Screencasts (Chromebooks, PCs & iOS devices)
Distance & Hybrid Learning
BOHS is in process of developing and implementing Hybrid Learning procedures and protocols. Parents and students can expect to be informed weekly by BOHS administration regarding Hybrid & Distance Learning leading up to the first day of Hybrid Learning on October 19, 2020.
Daily attendance and participation are required and are an important part of Distance & Hybrid Learning. We encourage every Wildcat to continue to log into every class, every day!
Google Classroom
At this time most BOHS teachers are utilizing Google Classroom during Distance Learning and will continue to use this forum during Hybrid Learning. Google Classroom can be accessed by navigating to their student CLEVER LOG-IN. Clever and Google Classroom can be accessed using a phone, tablet, or computer to view curriculum resources, classroom information and materials. If students do not have access to technology to access Clever or Google Classroom please see below for Chromebook checkout and files to the right to check out a Chromebook.
Access to Technology for Distance Learning - Chromebook Checkout