Career Pathways & Academies


Brea Olinda High School

Career Technical Education

& Career Pathways

Brea Olinda High School offers seven CTE career pathways combining rigorous academic learning with practical  project-based courses integrating real world applications of knowledge and skill. Career pathways are composed of hands-on Career Technical Education (CTE) courses taught by industry experts in engaging learning environments. CTE Helps Students Become College & Career Ready.

CTE students develop the knowledge, skill sets, and "soft skills" employers are looking for in the 21st century workforce. All CTE courses satisfy UC and CSU college admissions requirements. Students passing CTE courses may earn college credit through articulation agreements with local colleges. All Career Pathway students are encouraged to complete community service, participate in leadership building activities, and a senior year internship.

Brea Olinda High School offers seven Career Pathways.

Career Pathways BOHS

Click on a Career Pathway below to learn more

Broadcasting                BITA Button


Culinary Button        Engineering


Global IT Button               Graphic Design Button


