Attendance » Attendance Frequently Asked Questions

Attendance Frequently Asked Questions

What absences are considered unexcused and what will happen if a student has unexcused absences?

If a student does not log in, make contact with the teacher, or complete assignments in Google Classroom/Clever and no contact is received from the parent regarding the absence from participation, the absence will be considered unexcused. Parents have up to 48 hours to excuse the absence.  Contact the BOHS Attendance Office - 714.990.7865.

The goal is to provide as much support as possible to keep students engaged, while also providing social-emotional support to students.


What happens if the student is marked absent incorrectly, or a parent receives a call home for the attendance caller?

Please have the student email the teacher to correct the attendance issue within 48 hours.


My student was absent a month ago and I would like to clear their absence?

Absences need to be cleared within 48 hours.  State required attendance reports are run monthly and backtracking attendance may become difficult.


What do we do if we have a family emergency or situation where we may need to go out of town for an extended number of days?

Please contact the Attendance Office as soon as you are aware of the days your student will be missing from school.  You are permitted to utilize the short term contract for absences stretching from 3-30 days.  Your student(s) will need to pick up a short term independent studies contract from our Attendance Office to take to their teachers and for parents to sign.


What happens when the Attendance Caller is stating my student is absent and I know my student is in his/her class?

Please contact the teacher to get a better understanding of why your student may have been marked absent within 48 hours.


I am calling the Attendance Office and just getting a Voicemail, what should I do?

If you are getting a voicemail and not a live person, we ask that you please leave a voicemail and the Attendance Office will return your call in the order it was received.